Adopt Don't Shop!
These are but a selection of the cats and dogs that have found families abroad who have changed their lives. Keep your eye out for more posts of the pets who have had the chance to give and be given love, loyalty and fun to countless families, both in Egypt and abroad.
Egyptian Animal Welfare in the Media

31 August 2010 Cairo zoo puts lions on human birth control pill Read the article and watch the videos from BBC.co.uk and Al Jazeera English here
For more articles, books and films, join our Library.
Naar - now Saar
Naar (Saar) was the little star of S.P.A.R.E. A very friendly dog who was a little shy from strangers and used to feel safe around our famous Fawzy. She had the bad habit of peeing a lot when she felt threatened. Now Saar is adopted in Holland and living a happy life with her new family which includes another 2 dogs called Tyson and Telly.
In the picture: Naar is on the far right.
Toya adopted
Toya travelled to Vienna March 2012 and started a new life with S.P.A.R.E's loyal friend Karl Holubar.
Story: She was found as a baby, when she tried to cross a big street. The risk was high that she would get hit, she was saved by SPARE team and brought in the shelter and she had been happy ever since with her mates and now she is starting a brand new life in Vienna.
Luna (Coca)
Coca, now called Luna, found her paradise in Austria.
Rimon (Amun)
Amun, now called Rimon, is happily living with Luna (Coca) in their little paradise in Austria.
Sultan is living now in Germany with another 2 cats in a lovely home thanks to Tierhilfsnetzwerk Europa e.V. (www.tierhilfsnetzwerk-europa.de)
Tequila found a nice new home in Tyrol in Austria with a young lady that really tries to do the best for her and cares very well of her.
May and Lolly
May and Loly are fostered by the head (himself) of a German animal organisation. We hope for them to find a wonderful permanent home soon.
Fouada (now called Samira) found a wonderful home in Tyrol in Austria. She is very happy there and really enjoys her new life.
Moss Moss
Moss Moss found a loving home in Holland thanks to Mariska de Liefde.
Neil has found a loving home in Holland thanks to Mariska de Liefde, who has placed him, and many of our other animals, in new and wonderful homes.
Michelle (now Nuri) found a loving home in Germany after having suffered a great deal. She was brought to the Shelter with her puppy, and her throat was all cut up. Despite how much she suffered, she is a loving dog who was willing to trust humans again. See Michelle's story and before and after pictures here.
S.P.A.R.E. would like to thank Inge Kohrmann and everyone at http://www.angeles-hundehilfe.de for all of their help in finding loving and beautiful homes for the animals at S.P.A.R.E.
Beautiful Samiha was re-homed in Germany just this April 2010.
S.P.A.R.E. would like to thank Inge Kohrmann and everyone at http://www.angeles-hundehilfe.de for all of their help in finding loving and beautiful homes for the animals at S.P.A.R.E.
Kobeiba found a loving home in Germany.
S.P.A.R.E. would like to thank Inge Kohrmann and everyone at http://www.angeles-hundehilfe.de for all of their help in finding loving and beautiful homes for the animals at S.P.A.R.E.
Snoopy was rescued from the Gezira club (along with Panni, pictured below) and was brought to the Shelter, where he lived for many years.
He found a loving home in Germany.
S.P.A.R.E. would like to thank Inge Kohrmann and everyone at http://www.angeles-hundehilfe.de for all of their help in finding loving and beautiful homes for the animals at S.P.A.R.E.
Panni was rescued by Amr Assem from the Gezira Club and brought to the Shelter, where he has lived with another doggy called Snoopy. He's stayed on at the Shelter for many years, until he finally found a loving homing in Germany.
S.P.A.R.E. would like to thank Inge Kohrmann and everyone at http://www.angeles-hundehilfe.de for all of their help in finding loving and beautiful homes for the animals at S.P.A.R.E.
Selima found a loving homing in Germany. She is now being trained as a therapy dog, because of her beautiful and calm nature. It makes us so happy that a dog who started out her life abused on the streets is able to give back in such a beautiful and meaningful way.
S.P.A.R.E. would like to thank Inge Kohrmann and everyone at http://www.angeles-hundehilfe.de for all of their help in finding loving and beautiful homes for the animals at S.P.A.R.E.
Moritz found a loving homing in Germany.
S.P.A.R.E. would like to thank Inge Kohrmann and everyone at http://www.angeles-hundehilfe.de for all of their help in finding loving and beautiful homes for the animals at S.P.A.R.E.
Moss found a loving homing in Germany.
S.P.A.R.E. would like to thank Inge Kohrmann and everyone at http://www.angeles-hundehilfe.de for all of their help in finding loving and beautiful homes for the animals at S.P.A.R.E.
Kia found a loving home in Frankfurt.
His new owners sent us this email: (English translation is below) "Lebt er nun mit einem Katzenkumpel zusammen in einem ruhigen Vorort, Er wird Bäume klettern dürfen, Mäuse fangen, sich in Blumenbeeten wälzen – aber zunächst kommt jetzt das große Abenteuer seines ersten Schnees auf ihn zu."
"He now lives with a cat buddy in a quiet suburb. it should be tame enough by then - but the reports already hear very well. He is allowed to climb trees, catch mice, wallow in flower beds - but now comes the first big adventure of his life: the first snow."
Billy (who used to be called Norman) found a loving home in Germany. Norman was brought to the Shelter by a man who said that the cat was in an accident at the Metro, which caused him to lose his paw.
His new owners sent us the following email (English translation is below): "Normi, der jetzt Billy heist, geht es suuuuper!!! Er ist der schmusigste und anhänglichste Kater den ich kenne :-) Er verfolgt mich auf Schritt und Tritt um natürlich seine Streicheleinheiten einzufordern. Billy spielt wie ein junges Kätzchen und ist fast nicht wieder zu erkennen, wenn er seine 5 Minuten hat - da ist nichts sicher vor seiner Spielsucht - er rennt dann wie angestochen durch die ganze Wohnung, gibt komische Laute von sich und alles und jeder wird zum mitmachen aufgefordert :-) anschließend wirft er sich ins Bett und hält, wie es sich für einen ausgepowerten Kater gehört, ein ausgiebiges Nickerchen. Auch das anfängliche Betteln nach Essen hat er sich schon fast abgewöhnt. Staubsauger und Besen findet er sehr amüsant :-) Ich würde ihn um nichts in der Welt hergeben, bin richtig froh das ich ihn habe. Vielen lieben Dank, dass du das möglich gemacht hast!"
"Normi, now Billy, it suuuuper! He is the most cuddly and affectionate cat I know :-) He follows me everywhere and wants to be petted, and he plays like a kitten! There is nothing safe from his addiction to playing - he runs through the entire apartment, makes funny noises and everything and everyone is invited to join :-) Then he throws himself into the bed, as if he has a hangover, and takes a hearty nap. He finds the vacuum cleaner and broom very amusing :-) I would give him anything in the world, I am really happy that I have him. Thank you so much that you have made this possible!"
Queeny found a loving home in Germany.
Her new family sent us this (and many other) photos as a Christmas greeting card in 2006.
Miracle has found a loving foster home in Holland.
She is still very shy, but she is slowly getting used to her new temporary home.
This is Mojo, adopted in Holland. He was kicked out from an animal welfare organization, but S.P.A.R.E found him and rescued him.
MishMish (Gizmo)
MishMish (now called Gizmo) was adopted in a wonderful home in Germany, where he gets all the love he deserves. :-)
Noel (Yuki)
Noel, now called Yuki, is a very lucky cat. He was adopted in a wonderful home, by Dina, one of SPARE's team. And now that Dina got married he moved in with a big dog as well... :)
Carrefour found a wonderful home on Holland. On the picture you can see that he felt happy there from the first day.
Teta (Tess)
Teta, now called Tess, found a nice home in Holland. :-)
Obini is now living in Tyrol in Austria and enjoys his new life there as you can see on the pictures. ;-)
Yakout (Jacky)
Yakout, now called Jacky, found a great home. He gives his family all his love and they are very happy with him. Thank you so much!
Laila enjoys her new family and 2 new cat friends in Germany. Thanks for giving her such a good new home. :-)
Amar in his new home in Holland. :-)
Franca was adopted in Holland and seems really happy there. :-)
Sucar, Happy, Taxi
Sucar, Happy and Taxi found a nice home in Germany near Düsseldorf.
Sweety is now happy in Holland. :-)
happily in her home in Austria.
Breed: Persian
Name: Sunny
Gender: male
Date of birth: about November 2009
Fur type: long hair
Handicap: small scar on top of his eye
Character: quiet, cute, He has a small scar on top of his eye, but he is completely healthy, also his eyes.
Story: He was found in Sherouk area.
Ready to travel: after 4 months
Name: Galaxy Age: 3 years Gender: Female Spayed
Name: Bosbos Gender: Female Date of Birth: Approximately March 2010 Spayed and Vaccinated Disability: Has a problem in one hind leg she can`t move well. Background: Bosbos is persian cat, very friendly cat who was rescued by the kind heart of Amina Abaza from a bad Pet Shop in Zamelk area , Cairo. Bosbos is one of 6 cats who has been rescued from the inhumane pet shop owner.
Ahlam (Translation: Dreams)
Name :Ahlam Gender :Female Date of birth: Approximately Novemeber 2010 Background story: Ahlam is a beautiful cat that one of S.P.A.R.E. friends found in front of the garden of their house. She was probably abandoned. She had a problem with her eyes and wasn't coping with the other cats that were around in the garden and so was brought to the shelter, an operation has been done, but unfortunately she lost one eye.She is good with other cats and lovely around people.
Ahlam is adopted along with Mishmish by Heba Rady
Name: Mishmish Gender: Female
Mishmish has been adopted with Ahlam by Heba Rady who was interested in adopting handicapped cats. Mishmish is blind and Ahlam has only one eye.
We are positive that they will live a very happy life with their new owners.
Thanks to everybody who made this a reality for a very unfortunate Great Dane who is blind and partly deaf.
Since the day she was taken to the shelter she has captured the hearts of so many people. For months many people worked together to find a home for beautiful
She is now safe and happy in her new home in Holland.
We would like to extend our deepest gratitude to everybody who gave Maya her second chance in life.
We would also wish that more people in Egypt would find it in their heart to adopt a disabled dog just like Maya.
A very special THANK YOU to Marwan Hisham, the Egyptian young man that did something very few men in Egypt would do. Rescuing a blind dog by purchasing her for a substantial sum just to rescue her from a horrid life. You're a role model and hero. Your Maya is finally safe and secure.
Thank you Amina Tharwat Abaza, Noor Diab, Mariska de Liefde, Annelies Moolenaar, Wanchi Lia Theodoridis, Alyaa Elossay, Noha Elsharkawy, Asta Booij, Sandra de Jong, Adam Canis Lupaster Pallipes and all the the people at Mirtos organisation (www.mirtos.nu) who found Maya's new home.
And another special THANK YOU to the amazing Family that have opened their home and hearts to Maya.