Islam Amer: Dogs Day Out Guru
I always had the passion for animals since childhood, and it was a very good surprise for me to know that we have a lot of activities and shelters acting against the animal cruelty. That’s when I started acting like one of the team, hoping for more volunteers to get to see the value of what we do for animals.
My first activity with S.P.A.R.E. was starting the Dog's Day Out.
Dislikes: People seeing animals as worthless and humans are more valuable, I feel the opposite
Magda Luthay
Magda is a PhD candidate and lecturer at the department of Middle Eastern Studies at the University of Erlangen. She is sponsoring a dog and a donkey from S.P.A.R.E. She is also helping to spread the message about animals and animal welfare in Egypt.
Magda says of her work with S.P.A.R.E.: I would like my colleagues and students to learn more about your activities. There are many people who love animals and are horrified after their stay in arab countries how these poor creatures are treated-but there are always people who make the difference-and this is so important to spread.
Dany Eid
Dany Eid, a Lebanese photographer based in Egypt specialized in travel & street photography. Participant and winner at the 1st photography competition organized by the Delegation of the European Commission in 2008 and Grand Prize winner at the Cannon Middle East “Celebrating Cultures Competition” in 2008.
In every picture I shoot, I see a story. Pleasure & happiness fulfill me, while wandering with my camera capturing the beauty of all day scenes that are usually overlooked and maybe even ignored. Uncovering the dust & rust from unseen beauty in everything surrounding us, even when one might perceive this “ beauty” as ugly and not of interest. And this where the story starts, reaching its climax when the light goes through the shutter, capturing a PICTURE, manifesting that the measurement for beauty differs and stating facts in a picture through street photography.
“There are always two people in every picture: the photographer and the viewer” by Ansel Adams. For me it’s storyteller and a “VIEWER”. http://www.danyeidphotography.com http://www.flickr.com/photos/eiddany/
Amina Zaher
"I works for Microsoft Egypt, and am a “Beginner” photographer. I’m really so happy to be part of this amazing Project and help S.P.A.R.E. help these wonderful dogs."
Sohaila Mosbeh
I'm 18 years old (finally qualified to drive!) born on the 16th of december. i attend the german universty in Cairo faculty of Appiled Arts and no i do not know how to speak a word of german, but maybe someday i will and also be an awesome and famous product designer (hopefully!). Ever since i was a little kid living in the states i rember me and a childhood friend of mind always sitting and playing and bothering her dog and from there my obsession of dogs began, but sadly i don't have a dog of my own because my mom thinks i can't hanlde the responsiblity and all I hear form her is this "if you can't even pick after yourself how in the world would you even take care of a dog!". okay so maybe she has a point there, but my dad promised me anyways (she doesn't know hehe).
Hussein Gohar
Hussein's first contribution to S.P.A.R.E.'s Art to S.P.A.R.E. came from his visit on a Friday morning to Burkash Camel Market. The photo was so powerful and moving, that BBC.com publishing it as Photo of the Day.
Adel Megahed
Living in: Cairo Work: Manager, Information systems Age: 63 Education: B.Sc. Physics Cairo Univ. Status: Married, 3 kids
Adel has been a supporter of S.P.A.R.E. for years. He has provided us with some of his personal photographs for use on the website.
Sheila Webster Boneham, Ph.D.
Jeffrey Moussaieff Masson
Jeffrey Moussaieff Masson is a writer who lives with his family on a beach in New Zealand. His book When Elephants Weep became an international best seller, as was Dogs Never Lie About Love. Since then he has published 8 more books about animals.
Masson has been a professor at several universities in Canada and America. After serving as Projects Director of the Sigmund Freud Archives, he wrote a series of books critical of psychiatry and therapy. In the 1990s he turned his attention to animals, and in particular, their emotional lives. Writing When Elephants Weep turned him into a vegetarian. Writing The Pig Who Sang to the Moon turned him into a vegan (a topic he has written about in The Face on Your Plate).
His next book will be about the psychology of apex predators (humans, orcas, wolves, bears and the big cats), the us/them phenomenon, the origins of sympathy and the ecology of evil.
Read Do Animals Have Emotions? written for S.P.A.R.E. here
Revd Professor Andrew Linzey

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