There are an estimated 500 million stray animals in the world. 75% of them are dogs.
Stray animal control is one of the biggest problems that animals in Egypt face: they are shot and poisoned to control their population. They are also taken off the streets by the School of Veterinary Medicine, where they are used as subjects for students to practice on – some of the traumas they suffer is being operated on without anaesthesia, and animal testing.
The public is also unsympathetic to the animals: young children drown puppies and kittens in canals and the Nile; they torture and beat them; they tie them with ropes. Many citizens also go on poisoning sprees, in an attempt to empty the streets of animals.
Photo: WSPA on a visit to Egypt
At large, the Egyptian community is not always sympathetic to animals; stray animal control methods are inhumane, be they governmental or individual. Therefore, S.P.A.R.E. does not support organized feedings of stray animals on the city streets. S.P.A.R.E. believes that should individuals undertake feeding animals in a public place (street, building garden etc), it must be done responsibly and with regards to both the safety of the animal, and the impact of that act on the community.
Download our guide to feeding strays using the Five Freedoms for Animals
An act of kindness that led to death
The following story is one of the reasons that we don’t
advocate feeding stray animals. People are not sympathetic to animals
in general, so feeding them in a public place where animals are feared
is an injustice to the animals.
This is the story as told in a letter from the woman who was feeding stray dogs.
BLACK JACK AND BANDIT I have known these two amazing dogs for the past nine months, which is when I moved here (to Mohandeseen, Cairo) from NY.
Jack” (the small female) first started coming around every time I would
walk “Lord”, my German shepherd, whom I adopted from the SPARE shelter
here in August 2006. BJ was very shy in the beginning but yet very
curious. Soon, Lord and BJ started looking for each other on every
outing. Little by little I was able to approach her further until the
day I was finally able to touch her. She was immediately affectionate
and soon came racing towards us, whenever she would spot us, with her
whole body wagging with joy. She accompanied us on every walk and came
to cuddle wherever we would stop. But she remained very wary of any and
all strangers, going into hiding as soon as another human or car
approached. Smart girl! I brought her food & water daily and soon
after, we met BJ’s pal “Bandit.” His tail never stopped wagging and he
loved to sit in front of me having his chest massaged. I was now
walking with 3 dogs daily J and we so enjoyed each others’ company.
evening, as Lord would be at home eating his dinner, I would bring food
and water to my two strays. They lived in an abandoned back garden, two
buildings next to mine, shielded from the dangers, strangers and
killers of the street. But instead of filling their bellies, they would
be practically glued to me, each wanting their fair share of hugs and
belly rubs. When it was time for me to leave, they would follow me to
the front of my building, ‘waving’ their tails good-night and then run
off. The workers and security guards of the entire street knew me
and my ‘kids’ by now and looked on in amazement at the affection BJ
& Bandit showed Lord and I. Only us… nobody else was ever able to
approach them, they would run away. Thank God! BJ gave birth to two
litters during these past nine months and both times lost her puppies.
The last time she gave birth, I even had two other women (one Italian,
the other Bulgarian) taking care of her and her new family. Even the
workers kept an eye on them, but to no avail. Schoolchildren took her
five babies away and God only knows the cruelty they acted out on them.
We all tried to find the school kids and the puppies but were
unsuccessful. I will never forget the sadness in her eyes for the days
following her loss. Bandit was by her side the entire time, consoling
At any given time, day or night, all I would have to do is
whistle “our” tune and both would come racing down the street to greet
me, no matter where they were or what they were doing. One evening, as
a friend was driving me home, I spotted them two streets away from
their garden, just wandering around. I rolled down the window, whistled
and the excitement on their faces was priceless! They ran after the car
until I got out, jumping on me and squealing with joy.
suddenly a new face! A large yellow male, I affectionately call him
“Shadow”, because he is so very shy. He would never come close to me
but would always be around BJ & Bandit, hiding in the shadows.
few days later, there was “Daisy-May”, the beauty queen and love-bug.
This small grey-white female German shepherd mix must have been
recently abandoned, since she is so very affectionate and trusting. I
spotted her outside my window one evening and ran down to the street to
see who she was. Well, she saw me and snuggled up to my leg, sat down
in front of me looking up as if to say “Well, it’s about time you
showed up. Can we go home now?” She followed me into the building, up
the stairs and into my apartment!!! I fed her, gave her water and she
felt completely at home. For 30 minutes… then she wanted to go back
outside. We found BJ, Bandit and Shadow and Daisy-May joined them, as
if they had been a family all of their lives. Off they went, happily
wagging their tails and frolicking down the street.
we live on the same block as the Egyptian Minister of Interior. A
recent front-page newspaper article by the Egyptian Minister of Health,
ordering a massive and aggressive killing project for stray dogs. We
knew we had to act immediately. Trying to coordinate our efforts, time
and talents, we fell one day short.
On the morning of May 14,
2007, Black Jack and Bandit were shot and killed right in front of my
building. At 8:00am, two shots were fired, which I never heard, since I
was in the shower.
That same evening, around 10:00pm, I went
outside with food and water for their nightly meal. The next door
building workers approached me and told me what had happened. I did not
believe them, until they all told me how very sorry they were. Suddenly
my knees felt weak and I had serious trouble making it back into my
apartment, tears now streaming down my face. Back inside I broke down
in pure hysteria, with my husband trying to stop me from shaking. Then
rage set in and I needed to find them. With my husband practically
carrying me, we found them right on our corner. There they were,
huddled together, dead. I only saw them for a split second before I
started to shake and sob so hard, that my husband had to bring me back
upstairs. Mona arrived shortly after and was able to catch Daisy-May,
but Shadow just ran away. We are still searching for him.
Jack and Bandit did not deserve this, may they rest in peace! These
were two of the kindest, sweetest dogs I have ever had the privilege to
care for. Their spirits will give me the strength, energy and
determination needed to put a stop to these brutal practices.
is incomprehensible to me how this country, which prides themselves on
being so “westernized”, can kill animals in broad daylight - in front
of children. What are they trying to teach them? That it is ok to treat
dogs so cruelly, or any animal for that matter, that their lives are
less valuable? My dogs were lucky enough to have had a 'foreigner' care
for them, even if it was only for a short time. There are countless
other canines who are not as fortunate; enduring hatred, torture, abuse
and eventually death. I am sickened and saddened to witness this
country regressing daily. My departure is imminent, but before I leave
here I will make sure that the entire world hears of this. American Expat (Egypt)

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