Boycott Board
The more you avoid these places, and make the reason known, the less these people will profit from their businesses, which are based on illegally dealing animals, or using them for entertainment, or selling them in dire conditions... the list of animal cruelty is endless. In general, avoid any place where the animals are being mistreated. And make the reason known to the patrons. Abo Rawash Wildlife is available for sale at Abo Rawash: bats, snakes, wolves, foxes - any and everything is available. Many people go there and make a night of it: shisha, drinks, food, and take a look at exotic wild animals.
Souk El Gom3a The animals sold at Souk El Gom3a are very often bought on the black market (e.g. wildlife) or are stolen property (cats and dogs). Private Zoos/Safaris The animals in these zoos are very often drugged into docility, underfed, and not healthy. The most frequented ones are Lion Village and Africa Safari Park.
The Circus The state of the animals at the circus is beyond dire. They are underfed, drugged, and are made to perform acts that are against their nature.
Pet Plant, Mohandeseen Pet planet imports pets from Eastern Europe, and sells them for up to L.E. 5000. The animals are placed in large crates and transported to Cairo in the hundreds, where they are taken to an apartment in Down Town. They eat, sleep urinate and defecate in the same space, and are often not vaccinated and in ill health.

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