Our Philosophy
To educate the Egyptian public about animal welfare by penetrating all levels of Egyptian society. To secure strong animal rights laws, and to introduce them into the Egyptian Legislation.
To instill compassion for all living creatures in Egyptians. To ensure that all animals have rights.
Milestones to Our Vision Exposure In all areas of the media to educate the masses about animal welfare
Community Service Continuing to help other animal organization in Egypt Continuing to help the Egyptian community with their ailing animals
Animal Rights Laws Creating and introducing strong animal rights laws in Egypt Continuing to improve conditions for all animals
Hans-Ronn Foundation Award, September 2008
The German Hans-Ronn Foundation - People for Animals honored S.P.A.R.E. for its humanitarian work with animals in Egypt in September 2008. S.P.A.R.E. was given the generous donation of 3000 Euros towards the cause.
The Hans-Ronn Foundation was established in 1999 by Hans Ronn and his wife Ilse Ronn, to honor and reward individuals working in the animal welfare field.
For more information on the Hans-Ronn Foundation, please visit http://www.hans-roenn-stiftung.de
About S.P.A.R.E.
S.P.A.R.E. is the Society for Protection of Animal Rights in Egypt. It is located in Shobramant, Sakarra, on the outskirts of Cairo, Egypt. S.P.A.R.E. was founded in 2001 by Amina Tharwat Abaza and Raouf Mishriky, and is the first fully Egyptian non-profit charity organization for the protection of animals (registration number 1615/2001). We have a dog shelter, a cat shelter and the only donkey sanctuary in Egypt. We also operate a veterinary clinic, a mobile clinic and a spay and neuter clinic. Quite a large portion of our work is conducted extensively within the community through several programs to raise awareness about animal rights, to doctor sick, wounded and abused animals within the community, and to instill the notion of compassion for animals and all living creatures. We also campaign heavily to promote better treatment of, and create awareness about, the state of animals in Egypt. We use every possible medium to reach out to the public in order to spread our message: television, press and radio. We also organize events and lectures at schools as well as public venues. S.P.A.R.E. is an affiliated member of WSPA (World Society for the Protection of Animal Rights in Egypt), and Amina Abaza was elected Egyptian Ambassador for World Animal Day in October 2008. In June 2009, S.P.A.R.E. also joined Green People.
“S.P.A.R.E. é uma Sociedade para a Proteção dos direitos dos Animais no Egito.
Localizada em Shobromant, Sakarra nos arredores do Cairo, Egito.
S.P.A.R.E foi fundada em 2001 por Amina Tharwat Abaza e Rouf Mishriki , e é a primeira organização não- lucrativa , Egipciana , de caridade para a Proteção dos direitos dos Animais.[ numero do registro 1615\2001.]
Nos temos um abrigo para cães , um para gatos e o único santuário, no Egito, para jumentos {Asnos}
Mantemos uma Clinica Véterinaria uma Clinica Ambulante , e uma para a castração dos animais.
A maior parte do nosso trabalho é conduzido extensivamente dentro da comunidade dos bairros através de varios programas de sensibilização sobre os direitos dos animais , de cuidar e proteger os animais doentes , feridos ou maltratados na própria comunidade , e de instigar a noção de compaixão pelos animais, e todas as criaturas vivas.
Nos também conduzimos uma forte campanha na promoção de melhorar o tratamento , e sensibilizar o povo sobre situação dos animais no Egito.
Nos usamos todos os meios de divulgação disponíveis ;[Televisão ,Prensa e Radio] para alcançar o publico em geral, afim de divulgar a nossa mensagem.
Nos também organizamos eventos e palestras nas escolas , bem como em lugares públicos.
S.P.A.R.E. é membro afiliado da WSPA { World Society for the Protection of Animal Rights in Egypt}
Amina Abaza foi eleita Embaixadora do Egito para o Dia Mundial dos Direitos dos Animais em 2008. E em Junho de 2009 S.P.A.R.E. se associou a Green People.
“S.P.A.R.E est une Société pour la protection des droits des Animaux en Egypte.
Il est situé dans Shobramant, Sakarra, à la périphérie du Caire.
S.P.A.R.E. èté fondée em 2001 par Amina Tharwat Abaza ET Rouf Mishriki , Il est La premier organization, entiérement Egyptiene , charitable o but non lucrative , pour la protection des droits des Animaux { regitré nr. 1615\2001}.
Nous avons un refuge pour les chiens, un abri pour les chats , et le seule Santuaire de Âne dans le Egypte .
Nous avons également une Clinique Vétérinaire, une Clinique Mobile , et une de stérélization
`Tout à Fait, une grande partie de notre travail ést efféctue intensivement dans des quartier à travers de plusieurs programmes , afin de sensibilizer les habitant , sur les droits des Animaux, de prendre soin des animaux malade, blessés et maltraités , au sein de la communauté, ET lês d’inculquer La notion de La compassion pour lês animaux , ET tous lês etrés vivants.
Nous également, menons une campagne trés fort de promouvoir un traitemente melheur envêrs des animaux, et de les sesibilizer sur l’état dês animaux en Egypte.
Nous utilisons tous lês moyens d’atteindre la population , afin de diffuser notre message; Télévision, Presse et Radio.
Nous également organisons dês événements ET dês conférences dans lês écoles , ET aux lieux puplics.
S.P.A.R.E. est um menbre affilié de WSPE. { World Society for the Protection of Animal Rights } ET Amina Abaza a été élu L’Ambassadeur du Egypte pour La Journée Mondial dês droits dês Animaux em Octobre 2008.
Em Juin 2009 S.P.A.R.E. rejoint Green People.
“S.P.AR.E. ist Die Gesellschat für den Schutz der Tierrechte in Egypten. Es befindet sich in Shobramant, Sakarra , Egypten.
Es wurde von Amina Tharwat Abaza und Rouf Mishriki im Jahr 2001 gegruendet. Es ist dass erste volständig Egyptische nicht- profit orientierte Wohltätigkeits Organization fuer den schutz der Tiere { registrations nummer 1615\2001 }
Wir haben ein Tierheim für Hunde, Katzen, und den ersten zufluchtort , in Egypten , für Eseln.
Wir betreiben eine Tierklinik, eine Mobile Klinik , und eine kastrations, und sterelizations Klinik.
Der gröste Teil unsere Arbeit führen wir weitgehend innerhalb der Gemeide aus, durch verschidene Programe um dass Bewustsein über Tierrechte zu erhöhen, und dass Kranke, Verletzte und Mishandelte Tiere in der Gemeinde behandelt und Geflegt werden sollen.
Und um die vorstllung des Mitgehfühls für Tire , und alle Lebewessen zu vermitteln.
Wir machen auch eine starke Campagne zur föhrderung eine besseren Behandlung der Tiere, und die Aufmerksamkeit über den Zustand der Tiere in Egypten zu lenken.
Wir nutzen jede vorhandenen Medien um Die Menchen zu erreichen ; { Fernseh, Presse und Radio} um unsehre Boatschaft zu verbreiten.
Wir organisieren auch Veranstaltungen und vorlesungen in Schulen und öfentliche Plätze.
S.P.A.R.E. ist ein Mitglied von WSPE,{ World Society for the Protection of Animal Rights in Egypt }, und Amina Abaza wurde im October 2008 zur Egyptische Boatschafterin des Weltierschutztages gehwählt. Im Juni 2009 hat sich S.P.A.R.E. den Green People angeschlossen.
A Word from the Founder & President
Thank you for taking an interest in S.P.A.R.E.
My husband Raouf Mishriky and I decided to take action to stop the atrocities inflicted upon animals in our country, and created the first fully Egyptian animal shelter in Egypt in 2001. We saw it as an opportunity to speak for the voiceless, and through them, re-instill in our country a stronger sense of empathy and a kinship between all living beings. One of our main drivers was that the Egyptian government controlled the stray dog population using Strychnine poison, killing thousands of dogs throughout the country. Amazingly, it is the State Veterinary Department that is responsible for this. Another concern was that The Ministry of Interior has a special department to shoot stray dogs, as yet another method to control the stray animal population. What made matters even worse was their lack of expertise in shooting, resulting in the animals dying a slow and painful death. We saw that the concept of compassion towards animals was non-existent in Egypt: even young children were inflicting torture on defenseless animals, drowning them and tying them with rope. Furthermore, neither the concept nor the culture of animal welfare existed in Egypt, and we wanted the opportunity to both save wounded and abused animals, and educate the Egyptian public about animal welfare and compassion for animals. Egypt has such a rich and powerful mixture of cultures - Pharaonic, Greco Roman, Coptic, Arab, Islamic, Mediterranean, African: our ancient civilizations fascinated some of the worlds greatest thinkers and philosophers; it inspired some of the most progressive and forward-thinking figures in history. And, when I think of Egypt now, I think of our old values; of our unwavering ethics; of one of the greatest civilizations on earth; of refinement, of beauty. If you ask me what I wish for the future, I will tell you that I want Egypt’s future to be as civilized as our past. My life's dream is to help animals, especially those that are very abused in Egypt. It will be hard work, but I promise you that I will do everything in my power to change the fate of the animals in Egypt. Sincerely, Amina Tharwat Abaza
Animals In Egypt
Gandhi once said: “The greatness of a nation and its moral progress can be judged by the way its animals are treated.” Today, a certain mentality amongst Egyptian culture regards humans as superior to all animals. Unfortunately to some, this translates into mistreating animals because they do not feel morally obliged to care for them. Ignorance has lead some to think that animals were created solely for the use of humans and are therefore to be treated without humanity.
Images that would usually shock us such as dumping sheep into car trunks, crammed cattle in trucks without food and water, and extreme cruelty to donkeys and horses is now seen as normal. The truth behind “halal” slaughtering is not a secret anymore, thanks to YouTube and to those following animal rights movements in Egypt. Even despite several hadiths and verses in the Qur’an that preach the humane treatment towards animals, careless slaughtering still happens and animals are commonly dumped in piles, some of them still alive. According to the RSPCA, (Royal Society for the Prevention of Animal Cruelty) Australia placed an export ban on cattle after alleged mistreatment of cattle in Egypt . This included pushing cattle off trucks and stabbing them in the eyes and legs.
Egyptian authorities take brutal measures to eradicate the stray populations of dogs and cats as well. Dogs are poisoned and are made to endure agonizing and slow deaths caused by seizures and respiratory paralysis. Recently, Egyptian authorities responded to citizens’ complaints by shooting a pack of stray dogs who were left to die slowly or left to live with broken bones and permanent paralysis. Common killing methods of the public include drowning, starving and torturing strays for either entertainment or eradication. Glass filled meat is also fed to dogs which causes them to suffer extreme pain as the food is being digested. Animal activists such as S.P.A.R.E (Society for the Protection of Animal Rights in Egypt) have brought some horrific stories into light; one puppy even had his tail severed off for fun by a butcher.
A simple new outlook must be taken. Educated or not, we must realize that it is not about picking animals over humans, but about preventing something barbaric that should cease to exist.
S.P.A.R.E aims to engage the general public by allowing them to volunteer, adopt, donate, or sponsor animals in need of help. We also take responsibility for sheltering, finding animals new homes or humanely putting them to sleep. We speak “for the creatures of this world who cannot say when it hurts, when they are scared.” In a part of the world where animals were once sacred in the ancient days, we of all people should understand the truth that resounds in Gandhi’s words.