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This poor cat arrived to S.P.A.R.E

This poor cat arrived to S.P.A.R.E beaten with an iron stick on his mouth ( that was broken ) he also lost an eye from he was beaten on his back and hind legs , a sadistic man did this to him only because he found him in the third floor where he lives . A young man brought him and Margo took him to her shelter and cared for him we need a home for this poor cat who has been really seriously abused.

وصل هذا القط المسكين الي جمعيتنا سبير منذ ثلاثة اسابيع .. جاء به شاب لطيف مهذب من حي الجمالية انقذ القط من جاره الذي ضربه بعصا حديدية كسرت فكه و قلعت عينه و ضربه مره اخري فشرخ فخذه و كان القط بين الحياة و الموت حين وصل ... جاء الشاب بالقط حاملا ايه في علبة كرتون وسط سخرية جيرانه و ضحكهم عليه لم يهتم و اتي به الي جمعيتنا و بعدها جاءت السيدة مارجو و اعتنت به و عالجته و حنت عليه و كان الروح ردت فيه شكرا جزيلا للسيدة مارجو و الاستاذ محمود اللي عمل معجزة مع القط المسكين ده !!!

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Ahmed Shafik

This is his name now after being adopted in Holland Bond... Jeop Bond smile emoticon I found this cat and called him Shafik ( it was during the elections and my favoorite candidate was Ahmed Shafik .

The cat was in very bad shape , with almost no fur. He is now a model in Netherland his picture is in the magazines, his adopter is a model too .

ده شفيق تم انقاذه و جاء الي سبير كان تقريبا ما عندوش شعر و اصحابه رموه و بعد كده بعدة سنوات تم تبنيه من فتاة جميلة هولاندية و اصبح موديل في هولاندا بيطلع في المجلات من جماله سميته شفيق ايام الانتخابت الرئاسية

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Egyptian Animal Organizations

Egyptian animal organizations and advocates refuse to euthanize dogs and cats even if they are in such a horrible condition they say that this is against religion so the vets in Egypt are now scared to put to sleep any hopeless case , the owner of this cat took her to 4 vets who told him ; LET HER DIE ALONE WE WILL NOT PUT HER TO SLEEP THIS IS ALLAH JOB !!

في مصر معظم الاطباء البيطريين يرفضون القتل الرحيم لمثل هذه الحالة منهم لله فعلا من الجهل ما قتل و الجهلاء كثيرا ما يرتكبون جرائم بجهلهم و ضيق افقهم ....دي اخلاقيات الطب يا دكاترة ؟؟؟هو محدش قال لكم ان الموت الرحيم بيحصل للبني ادمين و بيشيلوا الخراطيم من المريض لو حالته ميؤوس منها هو انتم بتتصرفوا كده علشان تلموا زباين ؟؟ يا الف خسارة علي الاخلاق !!

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Saudi Arabia: Famous racehorse to be executed for being homosexual

Doha| A famous racehorse with an estimated value of more than 12 million American dollars, is to be euthanized on Friday, after it was allegedly caught in sexual intercourse with another stallion. The 4-year old horse named Al-Hadiye (the Gift), is the property of the Saudi Prince, Alwaleed bin Talal . It earned more than 6 million USD during the last racing season alone, notably triumphing at the Saudi National Championship Show and the Qatar International Arabian Horse Show.

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Do you remember Hope the little abused Baladi dog?
Do you remember Hope the little abused Baladi dog saved By Bakry Radwan S.P.A.R.E's friend?? Hope is now vaccinated , full of life, very very smart but unfortunately a little bit jealous from the terrier who is 3 years old . So she is a little bit aggressive with her , we need to find a new home for Hope where she will be alone ( no other dogs ) but she is good with kids and humans . Can you help us find a good home for this adorable puppy ??

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Stray animals tortured by poison in Sharm el Sheikh

Winter poisoning of stray animals has started in Sharm el Sheikh with many reports of poison in all areas of Sharm. Being devoid of tourists at the moment, the city of Sharm el Sheikh is suffering, and this includes the cats and dogs that live on the streets. Poison and the harrowing effects of it have been seen in the residential areas of Sharm, including Hadaba, Hai el Nour and Nabq.

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S.P.A.R.E - Society for the Protection of Animal Rights in Egypt

Our aim is to raise public awareness about animal welfare in Egypt. We work with the media at every opportunity in order to reach a wider audience. TV is very popular in Egypt with every family owning one - very few people read. Our dream is to make a documentary film about how cruel modern day Egyptians are to animals and to compare this with the treatment of animals during ancient times (Pharaonic civilization) 5ooo years ago when animals were gods and Egypt was one of the most civilized countries in the world.

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A mass cats poisoning in Al Ahly Club

رفضت أمينة ثروت اباظة، رئيس جمعية حماية حقوق الحيوان فى مصر"سبير"، فكرة تحميل مجلس إدارة النادى الاهلى، مسؤولية واقعة تسميم القطط، بفرع النادى بالجزيرة، مؤكدة أن الأعضاء هم الذين تقدموا بشكوى وطالبوا بالتخلص من القطط. وقالت أمينة فى تصريحات لـ "الفجر" أنه لا يمكن اجبار اعضاء الاندية على التعامل مع القطط، فهم يخافون على أبناءهم منها لانها تكون غير مطعمة ضد الأمراض، مضيفة أن الوقفات الاحتجاجية أمام الأندية و الدعاوى القضائية ليس لها فائدة.

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Jack mixed German Shep.and Baladi for Adoption
Jack mixed German Shep.and Baladi owned by the wonderful Egyptian First lady Geyhan Hanem El Sadat. She gave him away because the neighbors were complaining that he was always visiting them and stay in their garden for long time ( too sociable it seems !! ) , he is a male 6 month old , neutered . fully vaccinated , polite, trained and just adorable.

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A mass cats poisoning in Al Ahly Club

A mass cats poisoning in Al Ahly Club .....Animal Advocates in Egypt attacks S.P.A.R.E but do nothing to save the stray animals from these massacres and torture ....Only S.P.A.R.E is their target and their obsession because we recommend the ICAM program which is based on TNR and also Euthanasia for some cases because it is not as painful as poison or iron sticks ( that they use to beat the cats ).

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