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Also known as puppy or kitten mills, these backyard breeders have been cropping up all over Egypt for many years. Breeding is a seedy operation where hundreds of animals continue to suffer. They are little more than breeding machines, chained for what seems like eternity in dirty, dire conditions.
Many years ago, we were notified of, and rescued a beautiful German Shepherd tied to railings in a stairwell, acting as little more than a puppy-making machine. The rescued dog was unable to walk properly, due to his being forced to breed every single day.
If you know of any backyard breeders please contact us.

Dogs in Private Zoos
We were recently alerted that dogs were being abused in a private zoo called Lion Village on the Cairo Alex Road.
For more information on private zoos, visit Wildlife


with all the words
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Lion Village

Lion Village

Lion Village

Lion Village

Lion Village

Lion Village

Lion Village

Lion Village

Lion Village

Lion Village


Pet Dogs
General Trends in Dog Ownership in Egypt

Dogs for Show

An increasing number of people buy pedigree dogs for “show”, or for their young children to “play with”, not realizing that a young child cannot look after a dog on its own.
Aggressive Dog Breeds
Many Egyptians buy Pitt Bulls, with disregard to the fact that they are banned in the only dog park in the country. These dogs are usually house bound (a very large percentage of Egyptians live in apartments), and therefore do not have access to proper exercise or socialization. Rottweilers, Doberman and most recently Caucasian Ovcharkas, are also fast contenders due to their aggressive natures. German Shepherds have always been a breed much loved by Egyptians due to their “Police Dog” reputations; people crave the image attached to these beautiful and otherwise gentle dogs.
“Cheap” Dogs
Another popular breed are Griffons. People buy them for as little as 200-300L.E., thinking that their small size (and relatively cheap price) will make dog ownership much less of a responsibility. Most often, parents buy these dogs for their children. Sadly, these dogs suffer greatly from lack of attention resulting in disease, malnutrition and abandonment.
Importing Dogs From Abroad
Starting about 2005, “mail ordering” pedigreed dogs from places such as Eastern Europe, has increased dramatically in Cairo. For several thousand Euros, one can own a breed such as a Caucasian Mountain Dog – a breed that cannot survive in Egypt’s warm climate and apartment life, and ends up suffering heart attacks and respiratory disease. The dogs are untrained due to the owners’ lack of experience, and so are mistreated out of the owners lack of ability to control them.
Dog Fights
In recent years (2007-2009) 18-25 year old males have started engaging their “pets” in dog fights. Though largely underground, these organizers (and dog owners) have started to approach people in places such as the Gezira Dog Park, trying to recruit owners of Rhodesian Ridgebacks. They also buy dogs from places such as Sok el Gom’a. Breeds that are popular for this practice are mostly Pitt Bulls, favored by Egyptian males as a sign of aggression and manhood.

The Farm
Once a large breed puppy reaches its full size, the realization that it didn’t belong in a small city apartment in the first place comes to light. Other reasons include that the owners can no longer look after them; they are tired of the responsibility; or they simply grew tired of that particular dog and want to buy another one. And so those who can, do: they send their dogs off to their farms, where the animals are not looked after by the farmers. Very often, none of the animals’ basic needs are met (e.g. food and water), and they are left to die alone, diseased and malnourished. People have rescued mangy, flea-ridden, tick-infested dogs from farms and given them a better life. However, other dogs aren’t so lucky.

The Roof
Despite the rise of compounds in Cairo, most people still live in apartments in and around the city. Due to space issues, or certain (usually older) members of the family being averse to having a dog due to religious reasons, dogs are bought anyway and banished to a life on the roof. They live in wooden doghouses (of sorts) and have minimal contact with their owners.
The Balcony
Many dogs face the fate of living on the balcony, since some children really want a pet, and their parents don’t want that pet in the house: sometimes for religious reasons; sometimes for cleanliness reasons; sometimes because they simply don’t like pets.

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